Home BETTING TOOLKIT USER GUIDE Market Window Composition of the Market Window
The Market Window in the Betting Toolkit is practically the most important part of the program, as it is here that all the activities performed by the player or trader are concentrated when they decide to operate in Betfair's exchange market.
We have studied its structure in great detail to provide, in a single environment, everything needed to perform both simple and complex operations in the shortest possible time, with the fewest mouse clicks, and to facilitate the at-a-glance reading of crucial market data that can only be obtained through professional software.
The Market Window contains buttons, tabs, charts, and data available immediately upon opening it. In the following pages, we will detail each individual element to facilitate understanding and usage.
The Market Window is modular because many interface components can be "detached" into separate windows, allowing those with a large monitor or multiple monitors to have all data under control.
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