Automatic Cash Out

Updated on 2024-07-25

It is possible to set up an automatic cash out that activates upon reaching a certain profit. To do this, right-click on the cash out button.

A window will open where you can specify the amount at which an automatic Cash Out will be triggered.

Once the automatic cash out is activated, the cash out button will turn yellow.

You can disable or modify the automatic cash out by right-clicking the cash out button again.
The presence of an automatic cash out setting does not prevent manual cash out by left-clicking the button.
The automatic cash out can also be viewed and accessed in the grid view of the market using the same methods described above.

Automatic cash out is also available for total cash out, i.e., for cashing out the entire market. The operation is similar to what is described above, but you will need to act on the market cash out button located, when available, in the top right corner of the market window.

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