Applying Strategy to the Market

Updated on 2024-07-25

The Apply Strategy to Market Window allows you to select one of the available strategies, apply it to the market, start it, stop it, and obtain a log of the operations performed by the strategy itself. La finestra può essere richiamata tramite l'apposito pulsante presente sulla finestra Mercato il cui colore Fornisce un'indicazione sullo stato della strategia.

No strategy applied to the market:

Strategy applied but not started:

Strategy applied and started:

Quick stop shortcuts using the mouse from the Market Window
As previously mentioned, left-clicking the strategy application button opens the strategy application window.
Right-clicking, if the strategy is started, stops it (equivalent to pressing "stop" in the strategy application window); if the strategy is applied, it un-applies it (equivalent to pressing "close strategy" in the strategy application window).

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