Home BETTING TOOLKIT USER GUIDE Betting Toolkit Automation

Updated on 2024-07-25

In the Automation of Betting Toolkit, it is possible to set Preset Values for Odds and Stake at the top level of all Rules, Actions, and Conditions. These Preset Values can be referenced within Actions where applicable and are particularly useful in Strategies that include numerous Actions. In such cases, it will be sufficient to change the de...

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Updated on 2024-07-25

A rule is a container of conditions and actions. Each strategy can contain multiple rules.Rule NameA rule has a name that can be defined either by accessing the "Edit" command or by using the "Rename" command by right-clicking on the rule node itself.Rule Status (Active / Inactive)Each rule can be activated or deactivated by selecting the corr...

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Updated on 2024-07-25

The Apply Strategy to Market Window allows you to select one of the available strategies, apply it to the market, start it, stop it, and obtain a log of the operations performed by the strategy itself. La finestra può essere richiamata tramite l'apposito pulsante presente sulla finestra Mercato il cui colore Fornisce un'indicazione sullo stato...

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Updated on 2024-07-25

With the Strategy Manager tool, you create and modify strategies to be subsequently applied to the markets. The Strategy Manager window is divided into four areas described below:List of available strategies: initially, the list is empty, and to create a strategy, you need to press the "New Strategy" button.Tree of strategy rules, conditions, ...

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Updated on 2024-07-25

Betting Toolkit allows you to place back bets and lay bets completely automatically thanks to its Automation system specifically created for this purpose. This feature is especially useful in cases where you are operating in multiple markets, making it humanly impossible to track their progress and place the corresponding bets. Moreover, Autom...

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