Variables of Actions

Updated on 2024-07-26

The following variables can be used for the actions:

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  • Send Email
  • Send Telegram Message

By adding them to the text to be displayed or sent, Betting Toolkit will replace them with the corresponding value.

The variables refer to the market where the strategy is applied if the action specifies "This market" as the market, but it is possible to specify another market from the same event as the strategy application. In this case, the variables will refer to the specified market.

{$CURRENT_DATE}The date at the time the text is processed.
{$CURRENT_TIME}The time at the moment the text is processed.
{$MARKET_START_DATE}The start date of the market event.
{$MARKET_CLOSED_PL}Profit (gross) or loss realized upon market closure.
{$MARKET_MAXPL}The maximum profit or loss value realized in the market with current odds. The value provided should be understood not in an absolute sense but with a sign, meaning the maximum loss corresponds to the minimum value. For example, if the outcomes of a market with three selections were +3, +2, -10, this variable would report the value +3.
{$MARKET_MINPL} The minimum profit or loss value realized in the market with current odds. The value provided should be understood not in an absolute sense but with a sign, meaning the maximum loss corresponds to the minimum value. For example, if the outcomes of a market with three selections were +3, +2, -10, this variable would report the value -10.
{$MARKET_CASHOUT} The available cash out value in the market.
{$COMPETITION_NAME}The name of the competition related to the market event.
{$EVENT_NAME}The name of the market event.
{$MARKET_NAME}The name of the market.
{$WINNING_SELECTION_NAME}The name of the winning selection of a closed market.
{$SELECTIONS_NUMBER}The number of selections in the market.
{LAY_PRICE(n)}Best available lay odds for the selection. Replace "n" with the selection number from 1 to the number of selections in the market in the Betfair order.
{$BACK_PRICE(n)}Best available back odds for the selection. Replace "n" with the selection number from 1 to the number of selections in the market in the Betfair order.
{$SELECTION_NAME(n)}The name of the selection. Replace "n" with the selection number from 1 to the number of selections in the market in the Betfair order.
{$SELECTION_VOLUME(n)} The volume of the selection. Replace "n" with the selection number from 1 to the number of selections in the market in the Betfair order.
{$CASHOUT(n)}The available cash-out value on the selection. Replace "n" with the selection number from 1 to the number of selections in the market in the Betfair order.
{$MARKET_STATUS}The current status of the market.
{$MARKET_VOLUME}The volume of the amount traded currently in the market.
{$RESULT}The current result of the event related to the market.

IMPORTANT: all variables must always be written including the curly braces.

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